The ‘HAC Pack’ : The HAC Demonstrator Project Team

The photo below shows the “HAC Pack”, the team charged with conceiving, designing and operating the Hydraulic Air Compressor Demonstrator being erected at Dynamic Earth, Sudbury. The project is principally funded by the Ultra Deep Mine Network with the Independent Electricity System Operator, the Northern Ontario Heritage Funding Corporation, MIRARCO and Electrale Innovation Ltd also making substantial funding contributions. It’s purpose and objective is to show how compressed air can be the produced most efficiently and how this could be used to cool ultra deep mines.


Back: Valeria Pavese (co-tutelle PhD  Laurentian University / Politecnico di Torino & Ontario Trillium Scholar, specialisation: HAC Carbon Capture), Alex Hutchison (PhD Candidate in Earth Resources Engineering, Laurentian University, specialisation: HAC air and water mixing and separation), Steve Young (MASc in Earth Resources Engineering, specialisation: HAC hydrodynamics and solubility modelling), Dr Dean Millar (Project lead, LU, MIRARCO and Electrale Innovation Ltd), Dr Caterina Noula (specialisation: project chemist, real time mass spectrometry gas analysis). Seated: Tom Clifford (PhD candidate, Earth Resources Engineering, Laurentian University & Riventa Canada Ltd, specialisation: accurate difference thermometry; SCADA systems and instrumentation), David Vitone P.Eng, PMP (Specialisation: Construction management, hydropower projects, HAC Project Manager, UDMN Theme Leader).